Homeschooling is revolutionizing the way students receive an education. With the rise of digital learning opportunities, families are increasingly turning to homeschooling as a viable alternative to traditional public schools. This shift has had a significant impact on public education, from reducing enrollment and funding to changing the focus of school curriculums. The most obvious consequence of homeschooling is the decrease in enrollment in public schools.
This, in turn, reduces the amount of money that state governments provide to local schools. As a result, families are less likely to invest in expensive private schools that are known for their sports and extracurricular activities. Instead, they prioritize flexible learning opportunities that can be accessed with the help of technology. Additionally, there is a greater emphasis on the health, safety and sanitation of school facilities.
Homeschooling offers students a personalized education that works for them. With one-on-one classes and tutoring, students who study at home are much less likely to be left behind. Furthermore, homeschooling provides an opportunity for parents to ensure their children receive an education that aligns with their values and beliefs. However, there are some drawbacks to homeschooling that many people may not consider.
For example, students who learn at home may miss out on award ceremonies and recognition opportunities that can help build their self-esteem. Additionally, many families who wanted or needed to send their children to public school may not have been able to afford a private school or have a comfortable adult supervising a homeschooling model. The number of students studying at home is estimated to be more than 500,000 - higher than the combined enrollment in charter schools and public voucher programs. With thousands of online homeschooling options available, it's easier than ever for students to learn in non-traditional settings. According to the National Homeschool Research Institute, students who study at home have higher indicators of social, emotional and psychological development than their public school peers. In addition to the financial implications of homeschooling, it has also changed the way public schools operate.
Contemporary public schools no longer meet the expectations of those who expect them to be incubators for young Democrats. Furthermore, while many homeschooling students need to purchase their own curriculum, many cyber charter schools offer the curriculum as part of their enrollment. Homeschooling also requires significant commitment on the part of parents. They are responsible for maintaining a disciplined schedule, covering many different subjects and ensuring that their child fully understands the curriculum for each one. Ed Choice defines School Choice as allowing “public education funds to follow students to schools or services that best meet their needs” - whether it's a public school, private school, charter school or homeschool.
These concerns make it unlikely that a large number of homeschooling parents will be able to return to public schools easily. The personalized nature of learning is one of the most beneficial advantages of homeschooling over public school. It's quite possible that public schools will implement some of these digital technologies and tools in the future - even if students return to learn in person. Public schools will continue to exist and, for some students, they are a better solution - if only because of the socialization they offer. Ultimately, homeschooling is transforming public education by providing families with more options and allowing them to customize their children's learning experience.